UCamCopy Downloads

The Current Version of UCamCopy V2.203 & 2.300




* UCCNC (any version should work, but all testing has been done with V. 1.2112).  UCCNC must be fully licensed and linked to a CNCDrive controller (i.e., UC100, UC300, UC400, AXBB, etc.)

* You need to have a camera, preferably a ‘microscope’ camera with ability to focus up very close and create a zoomed in image.  The camera needs to be able to provide image of 640×480, and 30 fps.  It is not recommended to seek a camera with more resolution, as the frame-rate drops significantly with large images due to the amount of processing required on the images to detect lines/edges/contours.

*A little patience :  🙂  I’ve tried to clean it up and fix all bugs, but I’m sure some will be found.  Please contact me to let me know of issues found, or to propose enhancements.  Also, UCamCopy requires a fair bit of user input and setup, with adjusting image lighting, focus, and detector parameters.  Give it a little time to become familiar with what works, and what doesn’t.



Download “UCamCopy - Video Probing Plugin For UCCNC v1.2115 and earlier” UCamCopy_v2.203.exe – Downloaded 24261 times – 39.34 MB Download “UCamCopy - Video Probing Plugin For UCCNC 1.2116 and later” UCamCopy_v2.301.exe – Downloaded 8806 times – 39.34 MB




UCamCopy licenses are available for purchase. 

Please see How to Buy page.

UCamCopy is now $30 for a license key.  The license will be tied to your UC hardware serial number, but is otherwise able to be used on as many computers and machines as you wish, both for commercial and personal use.

If you have an interest in buying a license, please contact me to request a PayPal invoice.  You will also need to provide the ID UCamCopy gives you on the ‘About’ tab.  License keys will be emailed following payment of the invoice.

If you have any comments, issues, or feature requests, please contact me



V2.203 & V2.300:

UCamCopy V 2.203 is for UCCNC versions 2.2115 and prior
UCamCopy V 2.300 is for UCCNC versions 2.2116 and later

UCamCopy V 2.203 and V2.300 are functionally equivalent and share the same updates and features, with the only difference being which version of UCCNC they will run with. If you have the wrong version of UCamCopy installed for your version of UCCNC, ProbeIt will not run, and will not be found in the list of plugins to be enabled.

### NOTE: This is a dual release to support versions of UCCNC at 2.2116 and later, as well as versions of UCCNC 2.2115 and prior. Changes in UCCNC versiosn 2.2116 relative to the version of OpenTK (graphics) made UCamCopy incompatible unless the newer version of OpenTK (3.3.2) was referenced. Going forwards, versions of UCamCopy in the version 2.2xx range will be for UCCNC 2.2115 and prior, and versions of ProbeIt greater than 2.3xx will be for UCCNC 2.2115 and later. Dual support may be ended at a later time, to focus efforts on a single version for the most up to date UCCNC versions.

Updates and new features:
– Updated viewer to match the ProbeIt’s pan/zoom/rotate functionality
– Added snap to view functionality to DXF viewer
– No Additional updates to functionality over v2.201

V2.201: 6/1/23

-Installer fixed, was missing ‘magnetwindows.dll’ file, causing issues for some users that did not have file from prior installation or from ProbeIt.  No change to program otherwise.

V2.200: 4/30/23

-Significant re-write and re-format of program to make user interface similar to ProbeIt for UCCNC
-Video probe circles and arcs, 3 point and multiple point with least squares fit to find centers/diameters
-Set G68 rotations
-Added help / setup guides
-Improved line detecting by merging similar lines to a ‘best fit’
-Able to locate line ‘intersections’ as a target point
-Improved DXF manual point recording and creating lines/perimeters manually as well as auto tracing.
-Added jogging and ‘move to’ controls to interface
-Added multiple views to help adjust images. (able to view original blurred image, canny detections, threshold, and composite images simultaneously)

V2.000: 1/10/21
Updates in v 2.000:
-New Viewer based upon OpenTK, used to view DXF data.
-Control of Layers and colors in DXF. Create/rename/delete & change colors
-NetDXF.dll no longer required (library modified and built into ProbeIt
-DXF files optimized for use w/ VCarve or Lightburn. Opens files exported from those programs, and saves files they open.
-Many ‘under the hood’ fixes, resulting in lower CPU usage, bug fixes, etc
-Can set a custom ‘button code’ number to open the plugin via hotkey or user button

V1.011: 9/6/2020
Updates in v

-Bug fixes, most have to do with 3D viewer
-Viewer closes automatically when plug-in closes

V1.010: 4/10/2020
Updates in v

-Now provided in a self-extracting zip.exe file.  Just point it to install in the UCCNC directory!

-Added 3D viewer (shared w/ ProbeIt for UCCNC), displays geometry recorded and camera position in real time
-Tweaked/fixed the PID calculations. Had issue that the X and Y PIDs would both saturate at 100% when traversing along path that was near 45 degrees diagonal.
-Mask can be made longer than 100 pixels
-Added a ‘DROs’ Tab, which alows selection of work coordinate and zeroing of axis
-Added ability to open existing DXFs, you can then record and append data to DXF that is opened
-Added ‘CSV’ perimeter recording, save out a comma separated value file of the perimeter recorded along w/ DXF
-Some interface ‘cleanup’ and button adjustments
-Added some ‘default’ xml files, you can select inch or metric on load. After using the defaults, be sure to hit ‘save settings’ to save your XML settings.

V1.001: 12/30/2019
Updates in v
-Fixed velocity numeric input boxes (was limited to maximum of 10.0).
-Added ‘Shift-click’ to select HSV color from the image and pre-set the ‘V’ slider bar
-Added tool-tips with enable/disable on a new ‘settings’ tab.
-Removed ‘auto save settings’ during close of plugin, seemed to be causing settings to be over-written by null data if UCCNC was closed first. Settings will now only be saved when user clicks ‘save settings’ button.

Note the added new feature of holding shift and clicking on image to set a preliminary range on the ‘V’ slider. When using ‘color thresholding’, this will greatly help narrow down the range on the colors by giving a starting range to adjust from.

V1.000: 12/26/2019 Initial Demo Release.