Plugins for UCCNC

Plugins for UCCNC!

These plugins have been tested and built to work with the latest versions of the excellent UCCNC machine control software, for both x86 and x64 computers (note, some plugins have specific installation files required for X64 vs x86).

Want to purchase a license?  Please see How to Buy page.

ProbeIt (for UCCNC)

NEW v2.203 & 2.300 – 12/1/2023!

ProbeIt is a touch probe based edge tracing and probing plugin, useful for copying 2D profiles from objects. Try it for free with a fully functional demo mode! Learn more.

Download “ProbeIt for UCCNC (1.2115 and earlier)” ProbeIt_Installer_v2.203.exe – Downloaded 22791 times – 11.64 MB
Download “ProbeIt for UCCNC (1.2116 and later)” ProbeIt_Installer_v2.300.exe – Downloaded 10431 times – 11.64 MB


NEW v2.203 & 2.300 – 12/29/2023!

UCamCopy is a video-camera based edge tracing and probing plugin, useful for copying 2D profiles from objects. Try it for free with a fully functional demo mode! Learn more.

Download “UCamCopy - Video Probing Plugin For UCCNC v1.2115 and earlier” UCamCopy_v2.203.exe – Downloaded 24335 times – 39.34 MB
Download “UCamCopy - Video Probing Plugin For UCCNC 1.2116 and later” UCamCopy_v2.301.exe – Downloaded 8873 times – 39.34 MB

XBox360 Controller PRO

NEW v3.000 – 6/18/24!

This is another plugin for using an XBox360 controller (or a knockoff) as a pendant.

The Pro version takes the free version below, and adds a number of useful features:

  • Long button press vs short button press actions (ie, make it so you can hit e-stop with a quick button touch, but reset may require a hold for a time of user settable duration to ensure can’t accidentally reset, etc by bumping the button)
  • Mouse mode (Yes, the xbox controller can also be your mouse)
  • Screen overlay displays / reminders / button press duration indicator, etc.
  • Access to the thumb stick button clicks and start button (back button reserved for mode changing in the plugin)
  • Two separate speed presets to assign to the sticks rapidly (change between fast jogging for moving across table, then switch to very low max speed for setup work, center finding, etc)
  • A quick access menu for selecting speed preset or jog step size.
  • and probably a few other items I’ve already forgotten about….
Download “XBox 360 Controller PRO” XBoxPro_Installer_v3.000.exe – Downloaded 748 times – 1.19 MB

This is a plugin for using an XBox360 controller (or a knockoff) as a pendant. Offers jog velocity control via the analog sticks, customizable buttons, dead-bands, speeds, enable/disable from taskbar icon, etc. And best of all, its free!

Download “XBox360 Plugin for UCCNC” – Downloaded 34303 times – 18.64 MB

NOTE: If the XBox or XBoxPro Plugin runs, but does not detect the XBox inputs and shows ‘loop error’ in the status bar, please download and install the SlimDX 2012 SDK, or install the runtime libraries , which installs required DirectX components.

Still having issues? See this trouble shooting page!
Download “SLIMDX 2012 SDK (for the XBox Plugin)” – Downloaded 6162 times – 54.36 MB
Download “SlimDX RunTime” slimDX – Downloaded 2145 times – 10.34 MB


A free Font to GCode engrave plugin. Enjoy. Download “UC_Engrave (Text/Font to GCode)!” – Downloaded 31709 times – 642.32 KB


This plugin is for probing the surface of a 3D object using a touch probe, and storing data into a point cloud into a plain text (csv) file. Features:

  • Ability to define a perimeter that is used to filter probing areas to cover. Ability to Preview probing area, and define the probe areas as inside or outside of the perimeter. This can greatly reduce wasted probing time collecting points you don’t want or need.
  • Ability to stop and re-start at a position and continue writing to the same file. Probing 100,000 points can take a long time, now you can break your probing up into several sessions.
  • Adaptive retracting. The probing routine doesn’t just probe from a set ‘safe Z’ plane height, but rather tracks as closely to the surface of the part as you choose, only retracting to a higher Z level when necessary
  • Ability to have the plugin send you an email (or a text if you set it up to email to a special address that forwards to your cell number). Now you don’t have to wonder if the probing has stalled or hit a snag, the plugin will notifiy you if it has an error or an EStop event occurs before the finish!



This is a plugin that runs in the back ground, and can send you an email upon an event (estop, LED activation, end of program reached, etc). This is a stand-alone version of the email sending code from ProbeCloud, but with more options for flagging problems and events while running Gcode programs 🙂

Download “UCEmailer - Email notifications for UCCNC” – Downloaded 6134 times – 1.13 MB