Probe-It Comparison

ProbeIt for Mach3 and ProbeIt for UCCNC are similar in some respects, but quite a bit different in other ways. As the UCCNC version is written in .NET and is not constrained by being a ‘macro based’ wizard for Mach3, the UCCNC version is able to provide much more capabilities and will be developed to be more powerful than the Mach3 version.

ProbeIt for Mach3VSProbeIt for UCCNC
Download “Probe-It! Mach3 Wizard” – Downloaded 87643 times – 4.80 MB Download “ProbeIt for UCCNC (1.2115 and earlier)” ProbeIt_Installer_v2.203.exe – Downloaded 22791 times – 11.64 MB
DescriptionMach3 Version
(v 1.5 and later)
UCCNC Version
(v. 2.100 and later)
Add-on TypeWizard / Screen-setPlugin (.Net)
Works with Control SoftwareMach3, v3.43.19 or later
(3.43.62 or 3.43.66 recommended)
Motion Controllersgood: Parallel port, Smoothstepper,
CNCDrive UCxxx devices, CSLabs

known issues: PoKeys devices,
Most all Chinese motion controllers**
All CNCDrive UCxxx Devices
supported by UCCNC
Probe Tip Calibration (directional compensation)YESYES
Calibration at two speeds, and interpolated
correction in between speeds
Basic 2D routines (edge, corner, bore, post, etc)YESYES
Perimeter routinesYESYES
X/Y perimeterYESYES
X/Z surfaceYESYES
Y/Z surfaceNOYES
Save data to DXFYESYES
Control DXF layers (name/color/etc)NOYES
Save data to CSVYESYES
3D surface scan (point cloud)NOYES
Scan a constrained non-rectangular areaNOYES
Viewer for recorded data NOYES
Rotary axis routinesNOYES
Basic rotary probing (side of tab/slot)NOYES
3D surface scan (point cloud)NOYES
Autoleveling Gcode to surface NOYES (2.200 and later)
GCode Editor built in w/ editing & toolsNOYES (2.200 and later)

Note: At present only Mach3 and UCCNC are supported. Mach4 is drastically different than Mach3, and is currently not supported.

** WARNING For Mach3 version: If you have a generic Chinese made external motion device, such as a ‘Digital Dream’ or similar, use extreme caution trying this wizard. Probing is not implemented correctly in these devices, and they have been reported to produce random moves which may damage your probe. This has been reported by a few users now.